Case studyAmy
Case study
I thought it would be useful to keep studying Spanish as it is always helpful to know another language. I have enjoyed every aspect of Spanish at AS Level. It is interesting to learn about a different culture and this has helped broaden my vocabulary, even in English as I am always learning new things! It is fascinating to learn how the language works and how it varies from English. Spanish will help me in the future as I would like to study primary teaching, maybe even in Spain! Taking part in the exchange, was an amazing experience. It has broadened my Spanish and has made me much more confident with speaking it!
It is interesting to learn about a different culture and this has helped broaden my vocabulary, even in English as I am always learning new things!
Spanish (A Level)

- Year 1 & 2
70% listening, reading and writing; 30% speaking. The examination consists of three papers. Assessment is 100% examination-based. - Exam board
AQA - Specific entry requirements
Grade 6 in GCSE Spanish.
What Will You Learn?
During your first year, you will build upon the knowledge that you have gained from your GCSE course. You will study a wide variety of aspects of the social and cultural life of Spain, and you will also study a well-known film in detail. To improve your language use, you will develop your skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing though studying a range of modern texts.
In your second year, we will consider some political aspects of the country you are studying and closely examine some works of fiction. Throughout the course, you will be taught about the building blocks of the language and will practice the grammar.
Year 1
- Paper 1: Listening, Reading, Writing and Grammar (and a translation into English).
- Topics Include: Aspects of Hispanic Society and Artistic Culture in the Hispanic World.
- Paper 2: Writing and Grammar (one essay on a film and a translation).
- Paper 3: Speaking (discussions on above topics). Grammar will also feature in all aspects of the course.
Year 2
- Paper 1: Listening, Reading, Writing and Grammar (with translations).
- Topics Include: Aspects of Hispanic Society, Artistic Culture, Multiculturalism and Aspects of Political Life in the Hispanic World.
- Paper 2: Writing. You will study two cultural topics: a film and a period of history or a play/ book on which you will write the essays.
- Paper 3: Speaking. It includes a discussion on one of the sub-themes and a presentation and a discussion of an individual research project. Grammar will also feature in all aspects of the course.
Special Features
In order to achieve high standards, we provide all students with regular weekly contact with a Language Assistant, where you can practise speaking exercises privately.
The department works closely with The University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University and our students attend study days and language development activities throughout the year, as well as trips to cinemas featuring foreign films and a cultural trip to Spain.
In addition to your A Level course, you could also take up an Xtras course that gives you the chance to learn a new language over 14 weeks or to develop your practical skills in an existing language at post GCSE level (German, French or Spanish). The course focuses on developing speaking and listening skills in a vocational context for particular use in future employment.
Where Will This Lead?
Knowledge of a modern foreign language is useful in a range of different careers, including translation, business, law, tourism and marketing. Knowledge of a language will help in any career that requires communication skills, problem solving skills, initiative, flexibility or experience of other cultures. Languages are highly valued by Russell Group universities and will facilitate progression onto any degree programme.