Oldham Sixth Form College

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Graphic Design (A Level)

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  • Case study




My move to OSFC has enabled me to start using a wider range of tools to develop my designs further. The assignments are interesting and allow you to develop a wide range of different styles and design skills. I would recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in graphics. 

Graphic Design (A Level)  

  •  Assessment
  • Year 1
    100% Coursework
  • Exam board
  • Specific entry requirements
    A minimum grade 4 in an Art subject at GCSE is required. Exceptions may be made for able students who can supply a portfolio of work at enrolment.


What Will You Learn?

Graphic Design will introduce you to the exciting, stimulating and constantly changing world of visual communication. Whilst studying the work of both contemporary and historical practitioners in this field, you will have the opportunity to explore a variety of genres and be introduced to a range of media, techniques and processes to effectively express your ideas. These ideas will then be developed through experimentation and through the production of graphic outcomes, such as poster design, packaging, advertising, branding, magazine layout and illustration. On the course, you will also learn how to use industry standard design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, which will prepare you for higher education and a career in design.


Year 1

  • Component 1: You will produce a project on a given theme by working through a design process. This involves visual research, exploring ideas through a range of digital and manual techniques and producing a series of responses, whilst also investigating the work of other designers and illustrators.
  • Component 2: A range of questions are provided by the exam board and you will select one question to work through, further developing the skills introduced through Component 1. The final responses are produced in ten hours of supervised time.

Year 2

  • Component 1: This is a Personal Investigation based on an idea, concept or theme. Alongside working through the design process - researching, exploring ideas and graphic techniques, and producing a series of responses - the project is supported by a written element.
  • Component 2: A range of questions are provided by the exam board and you will select one question to work through, further developing the skills acquired throughout the course in a more individual and independent manner. The final responses are produced in fifteen hours of supervised time.

Special Features

  • Access to high quality facilities in the Art department, including digital labs equipped with up to date design software, Wacom drawing tablets and Cintiqs, light boxes, high quality printers, camera equipment and access to our photography studio.
  • You will have the opportunity to go on a range of trips, including international residentials and galleries of London and Manchester. There are visits to the Pre-Degree Foundation and degree shows at Manchester Metropolitan University and the Pre-Degree Foundation course at The Oldham College. We also provide the opportunity to visit industry professionals for portfolio presentation and critique.

Where Will This Lead?

Studying Graphic Design opens up careers and HE courses in all areas of design including graphic design, advertising, illustration, animation, magazine design and games design. It will help develop your creativity, attention to detail and communication skills. Former students are now studying Graphic Design, Games Design, Illustration and Architecture at universities across the UK.